Solar Shades For Homes and Businesses

Explore a comprehensive selection of awnings, shades, and screens at Midwest Garage Door Company, your trusted source for residential, industrial, and agricultural garage door and opener services across Central and South-Central Illinois. Tailored to meet your unique lifestyle needs, our indoor-outdoor solutions include canopies, retractable awnings, screens, and solar shades. Unlike other retailers, we boast a longstanding reputation for outstanding customer service and unwavering dedication to our communities in Central and Southern Illinois. Contact Midwest Garage Door Company today for more information and let our knowledgeable associates guide you toward the perfect solution for your home or business.

Authorized SummerSpace Solar Shade Dealer

Midwest Garage Door Company proudly presents SummerSpace retractable awnings, canopies, and solar shades, setting the standard for outdoor comfort and versatility. SummerSpace specializes in providing premium shade solutions while incorporating high-tech solar shades to combat rising energy costs and environmental impact. Ideal for homes and businesses seeking state-of-the-art solutions, SummerSpace products not only shield from the sun but also enhance any space's aesthetic appeal and value. Explore our extensive range of SummerSpace offerings at Midwest Garage Door Company, where our knowledgeable associates are eager to assist you in discovering these remarkable awnings, canopies, and solar shades.

Why Use Awnings and Other Shade Products?

Awnings, canopies, screens, and shades serve as invaluable additions to any home or business, offering enhanced versatility, comfort, and numerous benefits:

  • Increased Safety: Shielding from harmful UV rays reduces the risk of skin cancer.
  • Control Temperatures: Lower indoor temperatures by up to 15 degrees, ensuring a comfortable environment.
  • Save Money: Regulating temperatures and weather effects can significantly reduce utility bills.
  • Added Comfort: Enjoy shaded areas for relaxation on decks, patios, or terraces, enhancing outdoor enjoyment.

Experience privacy without sacrificing your view with SummerSpace solar shades, professionally installed by our trained technicians. Designed to block the sun's heat, these shades reduce air conditioning costs and come in various fabrics for customizable light control.

Awnings and Solar Shades Available at Midwest Garage Door Company

Midwest Garage Door Company is committed to providing top-of-the-line awnings, canopies, screens, and shades to meet your specific needs. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive range of outdoor solutions and enhance your outdoor living experience with SummerSpace products.

Contact Midwest Garage Door Company

At Midwest Garage Door Company, our service technicians earn their certification through the Institute of Door Dealer Education and Accreditation within their first two years at the company. Whether you need a reliable awning, solar shade or garage door supplier, installer, or service and repair technician, Midwest Garage Door Company will complete all service areas with premium quality and customer service.

Midwest Garage Door Company proudly serves Central and Southern Illinois. For more information or a free estimate, contact our team. We look forward to providing you with superior solutions.